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Responses to Inquiries about CRM
CRM Association office
YAMADA Bldg. 10F 1-1-14, SHINJYUKU-KU, TOKYO, 160-0022 JAPAN
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Responses to Inquiries about CRM
●Top Page > About Us > ●Responses to Inquiries about CRM > ●Q5

During the process of searching for cases on CRM, I cannot find a case which explains how much of the sales has increased in numerical value.
If possible, please introduce a case that specifies concrete numerical values.
A: Currently, our association does not hold any case studies or investigations which disclose outcomes in numbers as public information. We also promote questionnaires and progress analysis evaluation projects on our website, but we make the process into question, and the results are not particularly described.

One problem is that the indication of "sales" itself is an impediment to CRM promotion. As there is a trend to ignore profits which cannot be seen to the eye and prioritize only direct profits, it requires to index invisible levels such as brands by inputting ROI as the center. It is necessary to understand the outcome of financial indicators, viewpoints of customers, employees, and business improvement by utilizing a balanced scorecard.

For this content, see the regular magazine "Computer Telephony" by RIC TELECOM ⇒ See the article issued on December 2003

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