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Responses to Inquiries about CRM
●Top Page > About Us > ●Responses to Inquiries about CRM > ●Q8

I do not yet understand the relationship between "CRM" and "Knowledge Management".
It is commonly said that "Knowledge Leadership" is necessary, but I cannot interpret what this means.
Please let me know as you can explain what this means.
A: "Knowledge Leadership" is the ability to share, standardize, and quantify the knowledge which excellent salespeople, and to utilize the knowledge by IT. The idea of "Knowledge Management" is focused on altering the viewpoint of a narrow opportunistic efficiency centerism called "Information Processing" to the interaction of the dynamic knowledge including "Tacit Knowledge"(using sense, feeling, value) of the People".

For example, an internet publishing company such as Amazon uses a mechanism which utilizes the knowledge of its readers. Finding a pattern similarity in the data from the information of readers who have purchased the same book as a function of recommendation, it is gaining attention from CRM. Even in the case the function is systemized, it can not be called "Knowledge Management" nor where CRM. But it can be said that a positioning it in the process of company-wide activities is meaningful in the integration of CRM and "Knowledge Management" as a part of customer strategy.

Mr. Tatsuyuki Negoro (Waseda University), Vice Chairman of our Association, also reports on his findings that the recommendation function is very effective for attracting heavy users. The utilization knowledge to predict such customer behavior is expected to progress dynamically as a solution of BI. Additionally, it is expected to be as effective as the CRM method to maintain customers and improve customer quality simultaneously.

But who should take leadership? A manager such as the CIO or the Manager of the Corporate Planning Office may take the role, but a system in which the Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) or the Chief Customer Officer (CCO) takes the lead may be required in this case.

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