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Responses to Inquiries about CRM
●Top Page > About Us > ●Responses to Inquiries about CRM > ●Q10

I have some questions/doubts concerning the method/contents of the project proposals that will be changed significantly depending on the tool (proposed) and CRM engine used.
Also, I believe that they will be changed depending on the size of the target client's employees.
They are also depends on where you place emphasis points on systems such as SFA, CTI, MKTG.
The system also various greatly depending on the way of applying the C/S or ASP (or Web) system.
What is your opinion about the mentioned above?
A: There are various packages for the system construction. And the IT skills for them are not much different from those of skills for ERP. In short, they can be built and operated without knowledge of the CRM method. As many causes of the failure of CRM indicate, it is meaningless to take systematic problems as CRM without knowing that there is a formulation strategy and customer analysis know-how.

The field, cohere the new CRM technique is registered, is spreading. The new technique, as a direct know-how skill, includes CRM indicator making, CRM strategy map generating with a balanced scorecard, the customer data analysis method, and the construction of e-community type site making full use of eCRM's WEB related system. It is important not to grasp all the mentioned areas separately, but to integrate, understand, and implement them in the CRM strategy.

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