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Responses to Inquiries about CRM
●Top Page > About Us > ●Responses to Inquiries about CRM > ●Q11

What is the meaning of the term "Risk Management Type CRM"? Are there any successful case examples?
A: Risk is the balance between profit and loss.

However, this risk is common to companies, and is not the risk of "Customer Value" seen from the perspective of customer strategies. It is important to grasp the current situation of the risk that proving 1 to 1 individual services with mining technology creates the risk of customer data leakage. It can be said that a strategic policy of a company which clarifies a "Customer Risk Policy" to indicate to customers is starting to become desired. Although it has been become popular that they display the "Security Policy" from the physical and software aspect of the network on company websites, the is sure of creating message in the form of "policy" about how company associate with customers and create value together.

Examples of success are Nichirei (Monthly Computepia, 2004 February issue, page 50) and Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Ltd.

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