CRM Association Japan
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CRM Association office
YAMADA Bldg. 10F 1-1-14, SHINJYUKU-KU, TOKYO, 160-0022 JAPAN
 TEL: +81-3-3356-7787
 FAX: +81-3-5361-3123

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Main activities
●Top Page > About Us > ●Major Activities

■Benefits of being a member of CRM Association Japan
Member privilege 1 We provide members with full-access to the results of conducted market surveys.
For detailed analysis or requests for consultation, we will separately offer the low price service with our council vendor members.
Member privilege 2 Vendor members are given the privilege to dispatch a speaker at CRM seminars held nationwide by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and to promote CRM at SMEs.
Member privilege 3 We collect CRM user cases from all over the country and give awards to the excellent companies!
Case studies such as the "CRM White Paper" will be offered to members free of charge.
Member privilege 4 Members are invited to the CRM seminar (4 times a year) free of charge.
Training camps for instruction certification are also offered at a discount price.
Member privilege 5 Members are provided with a CRM evaluation sheet developed by research committee (Professor Negori, Waseda University).

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