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Index > 2016 CRM Best Practice Awards

「2016 CRM Best Practice Awards」Winner List


2016 CRM Best Practice Award Summary


2016 CRM Best Practice Awards
Awarded companies and organizations (In order of Japanese alphabet)
■ SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
 ≪Continuance award≫
Enhancing relationships with customers / belonging to the “lifetime asset formation” layer Model
They have made efforts to reduce the distance between their customers mainly in their 30-50s who belong to the “asset formation” customer layer, by holding seminars, expanding online services, etc. last year. As a result, they have increased the number of accounts and expanded dealings this year. Furthermore, they started a support channel using a chat and/or LINE, to meet the preference of the customers, which have also steadily increased the number of users. They are also planning to start a video chat in order to enhance the relationship with their customers.
 ≪Fuji Sankei Business-i Award≫
CRM Model for making thorough awareness of “thank you” 
They are working hard to improve the quality of their operators and increase the motivation of these operators by using their own “thank you rate” as a KPI (key performance indicator). They have been shifting from “just handle large amount of customers” with the biased thought such as “customers will be satisfied if they are easily connected through” to “not only answer their questions, but also meet all of the needs and expectation of customers” in order to “improve the quality of customer service”. Their efforts finally bore fruit; “thank you rate” has been increased, the average time to deal inquiries per customer has been decreased, and the number of operators who returned to work has been higher. And the resignation rate of operators and error rate also have been dramatically decreased
Acting with a prediction type CRM Model
They always face the needs of their customers sincerely, and work on solving their problems for the long term, even aftersales. They have developed “Virtual Engineer”, a remote maintenance service SOS, by integrating IoT technology to printers and using a Cloud system for 24 hours monitoring, and therefore a more stable operation. As a result, the number of print errors and shutdowns have significantly been reduced and detailed operating status can be grasped in real-time, which has made their customer service more efficient. They have developed products and services, and built a CRM platform which is essential for more efficient customer service making full use of IoT technology to know better about their customers, shifting from “passive maintenance” to “active maintenance”, and to “predictive maintenance”.
■ SKY Perfect Customer-relations Corporation
Contact Center / Integrated implementation Model
They have outsourced each of their services and businesses and put together customer service concerning inquiries which were handled individually in the past. This way, they can give more efficient customer service and response more quickly. They have also worked on improving the quality of their service by improving their support tools and utilizing an incentive system, also through the staff’s actual experience of using their products so that they can give proper information from the viewpoint of customers. As a result, they have significantly improved customer satisfaction.
■ Saison Information Systems Co., Ltd.
 HULFT Department
Sharing customer value through information integration Model
I They are offering HULFT, a software to transfer files, and the HULFT family of products by giving customer service through fully integrated / analyzed customer information using Information Technologies. Before the purchase of their product, they properly introduce and build the system by precisely grasping the priority of the customer’s needs. They also have constructed a business process from the viewpoint of customers for aftersales support, by carefully handling according to the usage situation of the customer, promoting the utilization of the software function, etc. This is a good example where both productivity and customer satisfaction have been increased in each domain such as service/ marketing/ sales that are elements of CRM.
Voluntary chain ID-POS based Model
ZEN-NIPPON SHOKUHIN with 1,800 small sized supermarkets all over Japan realized One to One marketing based on the membership card and ID-POS. Having no personal data, they give out fliers advertising “the value added service only for you”, which is tailored for each customer based on the purchase history. In addition, they developed a system which offers a lower rate for the regularly purchased items compared to the ordinary customers, even without a flier. As a result, the repeater rate improved, and the sales increased by 5 to 10% after the system introduction in some cases. This is a very good example of innovative customer service based on the big data.
■ Tsu City
Regional partnership / dialog based Model
Further developing the code of conduct incorporating “devotion to the citizens”, which was awarded last year, the city provided all areas in the city with area meetings, as well as developed a system to collect and manage the citizen’s voice by leveraging IT. All staff accumulate the interactive dialogue with citizens, and work on the measures from 3 viewpoints such as creation of new service for citizens, creation of further strength of assets, and creation of new strength of investment. With activities such as reporting the status and the result of the measures in the area meetings after about 6 months, they develop the trust relationship with the citizens.
Medicine call center continuous improvement Model
For both medical staff and general consumers, they promote the understanding of Chinese herbal medicine by answering sufficiently to “what the customer wants to know”. It is a sample of successful long term actions, which enable the call center operations to reduce customer’s anxiety. They develop a system to feedback the information of herbal medicine to the sales team, as well as establish the foundation to offer the quality customer service with a small number of staff. We expect they will continue the customer oriented activities by leveraging the analysis of accumulating customer’s comments and the further improvement of operations (CRM).
■ Tokyu Community Corporation
 Customer center, strategic apartment planning dept.
For unit owners, centralized innovation Model
By establishing customer center, the inquiries from unit owners or occupants to 20 sales locations nationwide were consolidated sequentially. In addition to the better service level such as weekend service, they changed their policy based solely on the traditional facility management, and linked the facility information, inquiries, and the sales information based on the customer data. This transformed the operations from physical management such as elevator or leakage, to human based customer relationship management (CRM).
■ Vision, Inc.
 ≪Continuance award≫
Smart & IT based CRM Model
The increasing number of “Global WiFi” users created a new stress on customers and new issues to our company. To solve the problems, with the basic policy that customer voice drives CRM, they redefined the decision process, which carefully listens to the customers, solves immediately and reflects to service. Supported by on-site operation management team, and IT tools, they keep working on better customer service. In addition, they further increase the value with the added service such as by developing “smart pick-up”, which is a world’s first delivery service based on IoT.
■ FORUM8 Co., Ltd.
Service Structure Migration Model
In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the use of devices such as GPS and drones for on-site operations in combination with ICT, and there are initiatives for gradual innovation in sales handling with the goal of transitioning from conventional maintenance and support contracts to subscription and cloud systems due to the ease of updating and licensing applications in the thriving technical development related to self-driving automobiles. Based on an understanding of the actual usage conditions of clients, our business activities involve local offices for company-wide development, and proactively carrying out migration to a subscription system service is contributing to optimization of our business structure.
■ Broadleaf Co., Ltd.
Strengthened Fixed-Term Call Relation Model
At this company, we are developing a network of automotive after-market business connections such as car repair shops and parts sales locations. This time, we have introduced periodic outbound calling from our call centers as a means of preventing customer disaffectedness and discovering new sales opportunities. In addition to our sales staff, call center communicators are also assigned to specific clients, with the goal of improving customer service. As a result of these initiatives, customer retention rates have increased, and sales staff visits to client sites have decreased dramatically. This is a true CRM (Customer Relationship Management) activity with the goal of solving issues clients have through direct consultations.
■ Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd.
 Contact Center Planning Department
Contact Center PDCA Implementation Model
Based on analysis of customer feedback to our contact center, we are currently carrying out initiatives for replacing the FAQ with a more thorough and flexible version and promptly introducing redesigned elements to our website for improved functionality. As an example, for the references for the insurance premium deduction certificate postcards which are in high demand, we have transitioned from provision by individual operations departments at locations nationwide to a universal “Customer Service Desk” and also introduced a phone line for automate reissuing of this document. These initiatives have contributed to improved efficiency on-site. We have achieved a PDCA cycle that uses customer feedback for applications in product development and even service improvement.
■ Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
 Retail Marketing Department
 ≪Ohoshi Award≫
Digital Shift Retail Real-World Use Model
When providing service through digital channels such as smartphones and computers, the retail marketing and IT strategy departments take on leading roles, implementing changes that will improve usability from the customer’s perspective by collecting customer feedback and adopting software development methods that suit the start of the new service development cycle (agile development). In April 2016, we started app service for a smartphone banking system, and this lead to increased numbers of new account openings and increases in smartphone access to our website as well. This is a good example of the system development culture we have developed that makes use of customer feedback, and this system is used for the work processes ranging from planning to implementation.

2016 CRM Encouraging Awards
Awarded companies and organizations
■ Life is Tech, Inc.
To achieve the mission of “developing the possibilities of each individual middle and high school student to their maximum potential,” our proprietary customer management system, “Members,” is a universal source of information that is used by students, guardians, business support mentors (undergraduate and graduate students responsible for supporting students’ studies), and also employees. This system is used not only for managing camps, schools, and coaching objectives for students but also developing new curricula based on feedback from customers, developing and providing new services, and achieving the goal of “having fun while learning.”

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