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2020 CRM Best Practice Award Summary
Index > 2020 CRM Best Practice Awards

「2020 CRM Best Practice Awards」Winner List


「2020 RM Covid-19 Response Awards」Winner List


2020 CRM Best Practice Award Summary


2020 CRM Best Practice Awards
Companies/Model Name
■ Osaka Gas Marketing Co.,Ltd
Time resolution model by using dialogue AI
In its corporate philosophy, the Daigas Group states that it aims to be "a corporate group that contributes to the 'further evolution' of people's lives and businesses," and has won the award twice in a row for its efforts to achieve this goal. As the number of inquiries to the call center increased due to the expansion of products and services, the company introduced dialogue AI to maintain and improve the response quality and response rate, which led to the award. After the introduction of the AI, about 20% of the targeted reception cases were completed by the dialogue AI. In addition, about 80% of the customers who requested to use the dialogue AI were able to complete the reception process using the dialogue AI.
■ Kao Corporation
  CRM Office - Consumer Relationship Development of Marketing Emergence Dept.
Fan co-creation community site utilization model
Kao Plaza is a co-creation community site where customers can learn from and create brand value with Kao's customers through a platform that allows direct and interactive communication with individual customers. Kao Plaza is a co-creation community site that learns from customers and creates brand value together with them. It is practicing the creation of corporate fans across brands. The company accurately captures the rapidly changing market and customer psychology, and reflects them in product and service improvements in a timely manner. In the future, I hope that the company will further integrate individual customer contact points and channel data, as well as the customer information of the entire Kao Group, so that more divisions can effectively utilize the asset of the fan database.
■ Credit Saison Co.,Ltd.
Web self-service entry model
The company, which has approximately 37 million cardholders (including affiliated companies), has launched a web-based service that allows customers to easily select and apply for services that meet their needs or are urgent, such as "increasing credit limit," "temporary card suspension," and "lost and stolen card acceptance," in addition to the conventional manned call center services. In addition to providing a smooth procedure for those who are overseas or have difficulty in speaking, the "temporary suspension service" flexibly responds to requests from customers who want to suspend their card while they look for it or resume it when it is found. This has led to the further enhancement of customer service, in line with the company's management philosophy of "practicing the principle of customer satisfaction" as a leading-edge service company.
■ Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
  Business Design Strategy Dept.
Fan creation entry model
The company built "SOMPO Park", a BtoC platform to connect directly with customers digitally. In the first year, it grew to 4 million members and 45 million monthly PV sites. Using the activated platform that attracts a large number of people, the company has enhanced the content to be "fun," "beneficial," and "useful," and has succeeded in increasing daily contact with not only subscribers but also unfamiliar general users and turning them into fans. In the future, it is expected that the company will further propose optimal services at the optimal timing required by customers by matching the membership information obtained, such as member attributes and behavioral history, with contract information.
■ Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
Advance preparation home call center practice model
The company, which had been preparing and verifying for years to realize remote-working as part of its business continuity plan, switched 95% of all departments to home-working under the declaration of an emergency situation due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. In the past, it was said that it would be difficult for call centers to work from home, but by proactively practicing and disclosing the change, the company was able to ensure customer satisfaction for business continuity, and the implementation of a home call center became a model for other businesses.
■ Nikkei Inc.
  CS Group of Digital Business
Advanced AI chatbot utilization model
Promoted the establishment of an omnichannel system in response to changes such as the expansion of online services (e.g., electronic editions) and the increasing complexity of service delivery formats from the traditional business model of only offering newspapers (paper). Implemented measures such as integration of customer management systems, introduction of chatbots using proprietary patented technology, introduction of AI auto-dealer response system, and chat support by operators in rapid succession. While the number of users of electronic editions is growing, call center costs have been reduced. As a mass media company, the company promoted advanced initiatives to improve customer satisfaction.
■ Nippon Telegraph And Telephone East Corporation
  Marketing Dept. of Business Innovation BU
  - Fuji Sankei Business-i Award -
Customer problem-solving proposal model
The company reviewed its organizational structure and reformed its business processes with the aim of changing its sales style from one that was strongly oriented toward selling products to one that focuses on customers' business issues. These efforts will help the company return to profitability. These efforts have contributed to the shift to a profit growth trend. Going forward, the company will formulate a medium- to long-term vision and roadmap with an eye on the market and customers five to ten years from now, and steadily take steps toward the realization of business operations based on deep insight into customers.
■ FORUM 8 Co., Ltd.
  System Sales Group, Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Kanazawa, Osaka Sales Group, Fukuoka and Okinawa
  - Continuance award -
VR model for creating the future of the region
The company, which provides civil engineering simulation software and other products, has been promoting the thorough penetration of CRM throughout the company's organization, changing the departments that focus on it every year. This year, the company is focusing on sales of hands-on VR systems for regional development and national land fortification, and promotion of DX for customers through VR digital platforms that digitize cities. The company also holds contests for finished products to improve customer satisfaction.
■ Honda Auto Mie
  - Continuance award -
Back to basics (sales and maintenance) web model
While the new Corona greatly restricted the company's ability to hold in-store events and conduct face-to-face sales activities, the company went back to the basics and conducted focused sales activities by utilizing its list of managed customers. The sales staff called, sent postcards, and e-mailed customers to the events held online, and were able to acquire more customers for vehicle inspections than they had before the Corona.
■ Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
  - Continuance award -
Face-to-face sales evolution model using data
The company, which aims to maximize the value of the customer experience, comprehensively and systematically integrated the data necessary to understand the customer and developed a customer view and a salesperson view. By utilizing such data, the company was able to support the next actions to be taken by sales representatives, leading to a reduction in complaints and dissatisfaction. In addition, by visualizing the behavioral patterns of sales representatives, the company has been able to improve their ability to respond to customers' needs, and has started a new approach of assigning sales representatives based on customer attributes and preferences.
■ Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd.
  Contact Center Planning Dept.
  - Continuance award -
Contact Center Automation Pursuit and Improvement Model
With the importance of securing and developing human resources in contact centers, the company took on the challenge of using AI to automatically display response scripts and automate response evaluation. By incorporating the opinions of operators, quality evaluators, and others in the field into the system, we were able to improve ES and increase productivity. As a result, the company was able to respond with accurate talk scripts, which led to increased productivity by reducing the time spent talking with customers. We look forward to further improvements in both ES and customer satisfaction, as well as in operational efficiency.
■ Yasasiite Corp.
Family Communication Security Model
The company introduced a full-fledged "Hitsuji system" that proactively discloses information to clients who use home care services and their families. By using this system, the company was able to promote a sense of honesty and smooth communication between the company, care managers, clients and their families. This has led to a sense of security among the family members who are far away, as they are able to know the status of support. By strengthening the relationship of trust between the users and their families, we aim to realize the wish of "living until the end of life in a familiar home. By strengthening the relationship of trust between the users and their families, we aim to realize the wish of "living until the end of life in a familiar home.

<Key Point>
2020 CRM Best Practice Awards
Key point of model
■ Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
  <2020 CRM Best Practice Award>
Switching 95% of Call Center Operations to Working at home
■ Tsu City
Five functional call centers to help citizens with their concerns and problems
  Customer Center
Watch over the safety of residents and protect customers' assets
■ FORUM 8 Co., Ltd.
  <2020 CRM Best Practice Award>
Realized a shift to online sales activities and quickly responded to the new normal
Minimize the impact on clients and implement infectious disease countermeasures
■Yasasiite Corp.
  <2020 CRM Best Practice Award>
Implemented a health observation and management system for early detection, early classification, and early screening

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