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2018 CRM Best Practice Award Summary
Index > 2018 CRM Best Practice Awards

「2018 CRM Best Practice Awards」Winner List


2018 CRM Best Practice Award Summary


Summary of reasons of winning award
2018 CRM Best Practice Awards
Awarded companies and organizations (In order of Japanese alphabet)
■ Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.
 ≪Oboshi Award≫
Energy Business CRM model
They have implemented the CRM activities to accumulate and analyze customer information with the company's mission of "Service First". They hold customer information in the integrated customer database, and share them among "human channels" such as contact centers and sales agents. Furthermore, by utilizing the integrated customer database, CRM activities were advanced through "non-human channels" such as posting flyers suitable for each customer and membership sites. As a result, they were able to improve the product and service selling rate along with solving customer problems.
Co-foundation of sales and maintenance model
SOS (SATO Online Services), a remote maintenance service that watch over printer status at customer site 24 hours x 365 days, greatly reduced business downtime and improved productivity of service operations and employee motivation. In addition, they developed CRM activities from "service", which is important for long-term relationship, and evolved to CRM of company-wide collaboration. Information of maintenance service department is shared to sales department, and realized the rapid discovery and resolution of customer issues. In this way, information gathered at each touch point is unitarily shared, and the situation is grasped and handled as "individual customer" in response to inquiries.
 Consumer center
 ≪Fuji Sankei Business-i Award≫
VOC implementation by channel expansion model
They have been actively collecting customers' opinions and making use of it in business through listening by Beauty Consultants at stores for a while and telephone consultation at the call center celebrating the 50th anniversary of this year. Furthermore, by developing the official account of Twitter and LINE, which easily hear the voice of young people who do not use the telephone, they constructed the system which collect and analyze voices of a wide range of age groups. By grasping customer demand more precisely than before, they are improving products and providing high quality customer service.
■ Starts Publishing Corporation
 CS Promotion Office
CX emphasis media model
They operate “OZmall” site for women. OZmall has 3 million members and is promoting activities focusing on customer experience. From the start of the service, they regard the user as "irreplaceable girlfriend", and adhere to the important scene of the user. By planning and improvement by using of the voice of the user and design change to a more easy-to-use FAQ they are doing effective membership programs with the theme of lasting relationship. In addition, they achieved a high reuse rate by carefully supporting users who feel "not satisfied". It is a good example of successful provision of value as women's "Going-out experience media".
■ Saison Information Systems Co., Ltd.
 HULFT Department
 ≪Continuance award≫
Data-driven Customer understanding and Support model
They further deepened the issue clarification and improvement activities utilizing TOGAF's ADM cycle won Best Practice award last year, and identified weak points in the current technical support system and improved. They increased support use by making Data Lake required for customer understanding, and appealing service by mail distribution utilizing it. They also created customer record screen and realized support correspondence which understood past action history. Through these measures, they improved the utilization rate of inquiries to support and the support contract renewal rate.
■ Tsu City
 ≪Continuance award≫
Promoting elderly outing model
Following the awards until last year, they continue various activities at the citizen's point of view. This year, they embodied "Silver Emika", an outing support project for the elderly by linking my number cards and public transportation services, as a support for the health and rewarding of the elderly, which is also one of the issues in aging society. This initiative has the greatest effect with minimal expense, by utilizing the Mikey platform and the municipality point management cloud that the government has built, as one of the demonstration projects of "a Virtuous cycle expansion project by introducing regional economic support points" prompted by the government. Further service development will be expected as efforts to expand citizen services using the latest information technology.
■ DHL Japan, Inc.
 Customer Service Division
Customer understanding model by dedicated call center
They shifted the functions of the call center from team structure to dedicated customer company system, and strengthened relationships with individual companies. In addition, they regularly undertook a review meeting with sales representatives, striving to grasp the changes in the business situation and needs of client companies, and also increased the number of direct visits to client companies. These activities are a good example of improving the response quality of the call center and an increase of the satisfaction score in the customer satisfaction survey for all companies.
■ Tokyu Community Corporation
Integrated CRM model of equipment voice
Since they opened the customer center two years ago, they are continuing to listen to customers' voices and improve service levels. A reporting machine that transmits warning detection is installed in each building, and when a trouble occurs, the customer center can immediately grasp the abnormality. This abnormal signal is regarded as one of customers' voices, and integrated management is performed by the CRM system as the voice of the building. In addition, they analyzed contents in the automatic dialogue engine, developed an automatic response service with LINE as the window, and improved the service level. It is a good example of using IoT technology for customer service.
■ Vision, Inc.
 ≪Continuance award≫
Service enhancement model by price competitiveness and automation
Both maintaining and improving support quality and lowering operation cost by realizing AI correspondence based on previous chat support FAQ data analysis, with the theme of "differentiation strategy based on needs and improvement of customer contact point (UI) of customer view". In addition, cost reduction and improvement in operational efficiency were realized by introducing RPA (Robotic Process Automation) in administrative work. They are trying to differentiate their services from their competitors by reducing fees and new investments that meet customer diversifying needs.
■ FORUM8 Co., Ltd.
 ≪Continuance award≫
Human resource system cooperated CRM model
While they have been receiving the awards of support and service in 2015, sales in 2016, and development in 2017, this year by introducing an employee management system (ERM) in the personnel and general affairs department, they have worked on establishing and strengthening the company-wide CRM provision system. By accurately grasping the health condition of employees, work load, and their specific skills, they considered the work-life balance of employees. They are aiming to create a system that enables optimum personnel allocation to be tailored to the needs of each individual customer quickly, reasonably, without waste.
■ Broadleaf Co., Ltd.
Sales department reform model
They transfer call center to sales department, and strengthen cooperation with sales staff. From pre-sales to after-sales, they unify their customer operations at the customer's point of view and at the same time improve the convenience of customers and improve the sales efficiency. In particular, activities to provide support services after purchase instead of sales staff visits by providing outbound calls in cooperation with remote tools are enhancing the convenience of customers and reducing the burden on sales personnel.
■ Honda Auto Mie
Company-wide utilization of Body metal repair information model
In last year's awards, they worked to improve the quality of customer service by sharing work progress of body metal painting throughout the company and to improve customer satisfaction, and this year they are strengthening and developing this effort. They deepen their understanding of customers by taking measures to promptly fill in and access to various databases including body metal progress database, and activate communication among employees with customer orientation. This effort makes customer response more attentive than ever and raises the effect of increasing the use of their company car rental.
■ Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
Advanced Sales activity model
Last year, they worked on improving customer satisfaction and increasing assets in custody through action management from the customer viewpoint utilizing "M-Axel". Utilizing this management base this year, they analyzed behavior of loyal customers in order to practice customer-oriented investment advice and suggestions based on fiduciary duty (principle on customer-oriented business operation). They also share the customer information which needs priority visits and contacts for better understanding them with their sales offices. It is a case of successfully improving the sales model of the face-to-face in the securities company.
■ Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd.
 Contact Center Planning Department
 ≪Continuance award≫
Response speed improvement by AI utilization model
Until now, they have aggressively introduced advanced ICT into their contact center. For this year, they introduced voice recognition system to make VOC activities more efficient and sophisticated. For the utterance during the dialogue of the operator, retrieved the information accumulated by AI are displayed as the candidate reply such as manual, and improved efficiency. In addition, they have developed a mechanism to link the textualized content to the analytical system immediately. They improved the speed of response to the customer's voice at the contact center, and contributed to CS improvement including reduction of waiting time.

Summary of reasons of winning awards
2018 CRM Encouraging Awards
Awarded companies and organizations (In order of Japanese alphabet)
■ Hotel Okada Co., Ltd
Not only customer-centered principles of innumerable customer service such as ryokan business, they are also actively working to provide better customer experience by combination of people and IT. In addition, they are scientifically promoting by using the results quantified by numerical values. In particular, by "proposal type FAQ system with AI", they don’t only strengthen service outside the regular business time for domestic and foreign inquiries, but they are also striving to understand customers deeper and provide proactive information according to customers by analyzing data via the system. They confirm and share the actual satisfaction level when staying, and resulted staff motivation up by linking to the target system.
■ Yoriso. Co. Ltd.
Events such as funeral and memorial service involving people's ending are less experienced, complicated and difficult to understand. They establish a business model by creating new value and services. As their company name stated, they aim to provide consistent service to close at customers and "turn to thanks for sorrow of goodbye". All customers' services are consolidated on CRM system, and all employees can access all information, making smoother interaction with highly sensitive customers. While raising the handling number 19 times in five years, they achieved a high customer satisfaction rate of 97%. Further automation and the introduction of AI are in process, and future service expansion are highly expected.

「2018 CRM Best Practice Awards」News Release

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