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2022 CRM Best Practice Award Summary
Index > 2022 CRM Best Practice Awards

「2022 CRM Best Practice Awards」Winner List


2022 CRM Best Practice Award Summary


<Executive Summary>
2022 CRM Best Practice Awards
Companies/Model Name
 Information Systems Department
 -Oboshi award-
Customer-Oriented knowledge-based utilization model
■OsakaGas Marketing Co.,Ltd.
 -Continuance award-
Speech recognition multifaceted utilization model
 Customer Success Center
 -Continuance award-
Customer service improvement model using DDP
■Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited
Expressway service improvement model utilizing SNS
■Vision Inc
 Communication & Marketing Group CLT
 -Continuance award-
Glamping proposal model for existing customers
■FORUM8 Co., Ltd.
 Tokyo Head Office UC-1 Development Group 1 TEST Team
 -Continuance award-
User perspective, pre-shipment quality improvement model
■Bristol-Myers Squibb K.K.
 Hematology Business Unit CAR T Division
Medical cooperation model for supporting lives
■Honda Auto Mie
 -Continuance award-
Increasing awareness of safety and security support model
■Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
 Personal Banking Division
DX life design proposal model
■Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd
 -Continuation award-
AI voice customer response model
■Rinnai Corporation
 DX Promotion Group, Sales Management Department, Sales Division
Transformation in each partner service model
■Rococo Co.,Ltd.
 ITO & BPO Business Division East Japan
 IT Service Management Department
Proposing outsourcing model
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