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2011 CRM Best Practice Award Summary
Index > 2011 CRM Best Practice Award Summary


■ SMBC Nikko Cordial Securities Inc.
  <Keizoku Award>
Maximization of Service Time Model
By continuous CRM deployments, each customer contact channel at SMBC Nikko Cordial Securities works closely, and sales time per sales person successfully has extended fivefold longer for 10 years.As a result, numbers of appointment and the new accounts have been increased, and amounts of transaction have also gone up. This successful case shows that sales productivity leads to the results of the business.
  Customer Friendship Management Dept.
   <Oboshi Award>
Personalized Offer Model
START TODAY, the fashion shopping sites clearly set on the target customers, enhances the brands and provides customers with a variety of merchandises and services. (START TODAY runs ZOZO TOWN sites.)The target is mainly 20s and 30s, as equal partners with the company. It builds relationships like friends through the best communications based on lifestyle and taste by target segmentation. It also uses a Data Warehouse (DWH) to propose unique offers and support customers effectively. Consequently, the ratio of active customer is so high that the company marks increase of both sales and profits for eight consecutive periods
■ All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.
  CS Promotion, Products & Service Innovations
   <Fuji Sankei Business i Award>
CS Promotion with All the Company MembersModel
The CS section of ANA collects all the customer’s voices. It notices to the related divisions and carries out CS activities throughout. For example, it holds the seminars whose participants come from all over the Japan, trains the CS promoters, shares good stories to all the employees in Japan and overseas, andintroduces the activities to the public. As more than half of the customer claims are closed within a year, the CS section exerts a strong leadship in CS promotion.
■ Takeo City
Voices of the City Over SNS Model
Takeo City integrates the official web site into Facebook as a pioneer. It aims at an establishing of the new relationship between the city and the residents by providing information on real time and easily collecting their voices.The policy and measures reflecting those citizens’ voices should be implemented as the next step.
■ DIO Japan 
Call Center for Employment Promotion in Quake-hit Area Model
DIO Japan opens the new call center in Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture, as it intends to hire local people for reconstruction from the Great East Japan earthquake. For applicants to the call center to conduct high quality operations and become a professional operator, the company provides the basic skill training such as PC operation as well as experience-based training by staying at the hotel for reservation service.
■ Teijin Limited
Customer-Centric Home Care Model
Teijin increases customer satisfaction and duration of therapy by the follow-up contacts by call center for sleep apnea syndrome using the medical equipment at home. The call center, the branches and all the staff work closely to realize high quality service at customer’s home。This case indicates the new model of medical care at home as an inevitable customer supports at Super Aging Society.
■ Coca-Cola (Japan) Co., Ltd.
  Consumer Service Center, External Affairs/
  Consumer Information & IMCR Group,
  Public Affairs & Communications
Integration of Customer Support in Franchise System Model
Coca Cola Japan had a structural issue that there were different standards and process of customer support by a bottling company which manufacture and sell products in each region all over the Japan. Against the issue, it reviewed all the processes in the viewpoint of the customers and realized better customer care like One Company. This is the ideal case of integration of customer supports. With standardization of rule of response, training, and system development for customer integration as well as ISO management system, it has been working towards closer relationship with customers for a long time. In addition, Cola-Cola Japan applies the integrated customer support model to sales support activities and makes significant results.
■ Subway Japan, Inc. Marketing Dept.
Tweeting CRM on Healthy Vegetables Model
Mutual commnication by promoting healthy vegetables, Subway’s sales point, over Twitter and Facebook, Subway understands customers’ needs deeply and increases numbers of its fans. The company also uses findings from tweets in the PDCA cycle. This model is expected to utilize more in other areas of Subway.
■ Panasonic Corporation
  AVC Networks Company CS Promotion & VOC Office
   <Keizoku award>
Customer Support by Self-Diagnosis Model
As sophistication of the customer supports based on VOC for a long time, Panasonic releases “Okomarigoto kaiketsu Navi” (Issue-solving Navi), which diagnoses TV setup status and gives the guidance to users. As electronic appliances are highly-developed and complicated, TV itself builds in a supporting network as well telephone or Web. It is expected that products or supporting tools will be developed by using network technology, for example, SNS.
■ Fujitsu Fsas, Inc.
Continuous Disaster Counter Measures Model
By visiting and surveys in 5000 customers every year for 10 years, Fujitsu Fsas has enlightened about and implement disaster counter measures. Fsas believes that their obligation is to keep challenging for difficulty on dealing with natural disaster, enlightening about preparation for that in advance and making all their supporting systems run stably in any circumstances.In the 2011 the Great East Japan earthquake, Fsas gathered supporting staffs from all over Japan immediately and assiged them to recover to minimize damages.
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